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Meet Ollie's Friends

Ollie's Island Adventure

Hiya, I'm Ollie. In my latest adventure I'm helping people understand where everything they eat, drink, use and wear comes from.

Ollie Saves the Planet Adventure

This is me when I was younger and having eco-adventures in different countries around the world. I helped save the planet.

 Ollie Recycles Adventure

This is me when I was really young on my "recycling" adventure in Australia and the United Kingdom.

My new "Island" adventure is helping people understand that choices we make every day are important to the sustainability of our world.

Check out my new website too. I'm trying to stop my Grandpa from embarrassing me in front of the coolest girl at school. Got to the website to see what happens.

Click on my young Ollie pictures to find out about my recycling and sustainability adventures or click on the picture of me now to see my latest adventure.


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