Ollie's Ambassador -
Eric Philips, Polar Eco-Adventurer
Philips is a member of the community who is doing his part to incorporate
sustainability into his everyday life. What's unusual about Eric
is that his everyday life includes being a polar adventurer!
Eric is an experienced adventurer specialising in self-supported
expeditions to the Polar Regions. He is the only person to have
skied across the world's four largest icecaps - Antarctica to the
South Pole, Greenland, the South Patagonian Icecap and Ellesmere
Eric sees the Polar Regions where he travels as an indicator of
how humans are affecting the planet. Even in Antarctica, scientists
can find evidence of air pollution, reduced biodiversity, and global
warming. So Eric's message is simple - we must all act now to start
moving towards sustainability. This means practising the 4Rs every
day - even when you're in the middle of Antarctica!
sled - carrying everything he will need for 100 days on the ice.
On his expeditions Eric and his companions can only carry a limited
amount of weight. This means that they cannot afford to waste anything.
They carry all of their food with them - often this has to last
them months on end. This means that they never throw any food away!
In fact, they create hardly any waste at all. And the waste that
they do produce is carefully collected and recycled or disposed
of responsibly at the end of their trip.